Our Divers once again has nominated us for DIVE Travel Awards and again we have made the final vote. If you want us to do well in the final vote, please vote for Elite Diving now. You can only vote once per e.mail address. Just follow the instructions on the following link. You need only vote for elite in the Dive Center/Resort category. You need not vote for anyone else if you don't want to.
After our success in these awards last year, there are a few Sharm Dive Centers now canvasing their divers to vote for them. We are confident that our ever loyal divers will out perform these dive centers as usual, but we will need each and every one of you to help. Please click on the following link to cast your vote. http://divemagazine.co.uk/travel/8594-dive-travel-awards-2019-the-vote-is-open All the team at 'elite diving' in Sharm El Sheikh are very greatful of your continued support. Hope to see you there soon. Comments are closed.
Alun EvansOwner of Elite Diving with Divers United, has a wealth of diving experience and has been diving since 1984. Archives
October 2024